Monday, May 3, 2010

Unite sees Labour support surge

Support for Labour is surging amongst Unite members in the key marginals - up from 40 per cent last week to 56 per cent.

As the election heads into the last few days, Unite members are making their minds up to vote Labour.

The Tories have slumped dramatically to just 7 per cent from a previous 20 point high and the Liberal Democrats are barely a bleep on the radar at 4 per cent.

The reason for all this?

When Unite members talk to Unite members it’s clear the message gets through. A vote for anyone else but Labour lets the Tories in. A vote for anyone else but Labour means increased job insecurity, higher unemployment and an attack on the rights of working people.

As David Cameron tries to fool everyone that he’s in Downing Street already, Nick Clegg hides his true cuts agenda and the media continue to vilify Gordon Brown, Unite members have seen through it all.

With Labour there is a clear programme to lock in the recovery and keep people in work and in their homes, support skills and business, invest in our young people in schools and in work and to protect front health services.

The Tories will cut taxes for the rich and spending for the rest of us. The Liberal Democrats too want “cuts that are savage and bold” and to curb the right for unions to organise.

This Thursday the choice is clear – a Labour government committed to our jobs and our people or a Tory government committed to cutting jobs and supporting the rich or the Liberal Democrats also committed to cutting jobs and supporting the rich.

Unite chooses Labour and Unite members are choosing Labour.

Top line: Labour is fighting for your future. It is a fight for fairness and against the same old Tories who threaten to cut tax credits and child trust funds for families on middle and modest incomes.

Fighting for fairness

Labour is fighting for fairness – and we will protect Child Tax Credits and Child Trust Funds. Contrary to David Cameron’s misleading claims on Sunday morning television, the Tories would cut Child Tax Credits for middle income families. They say they would take £400 million from Child Tax Credits and, when you look at the figures, that means hitting families with incomes above £31,000. They would cut Child Trust Funds for families with incomes above £16,040.

And while Labour would protect the budget for schools and police numbers, the Tories would cut them. Policies like these just serve to show that David Cameron’s party is simply the same old Tories.

To those flirting with the Lib Dems, we need to make sure they know that, particularly in the key Labour/Tory marginals, a Lib Dem vote is the surest route to a Tory government, with devastating consequences for anyone who really believes in jobs, fairness and good schools and our NHS. The only way to keep Britain on the road to recovery, and on the progressive path, is with a majority Labour government. Let’s win the fight for it.

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