Friday, October 30, 2009

Tory Anti Union Laws Planned


The front page of today's Guardian reveals the true nature of the Tories anti-trade union legislation, taking us much further than Margaret Thatcher ever dared to tread. Their proposals would shackle workers - effectively removing Unions' ability to take industrial action.

It's that extreme.

This threatens everything we've worked for - and it shows how dangerous a Tory Government could be to each and everyone of us. We have to act now, and send the Tories a message loud and clear: no to Cameron's extreme attacks on our unions -

The Guardian says the Conservatives are "looking at introducing laws setting new minimum turnout thresholds." This means that a majority of people eligible to vote would have to vote yes - not just those people actually taking part in the ballot.

The CWU's industrial action against the backward looking management at Royal Mail was backed by 76% of members in a ballot. But their action would be under threat by the Tories new scheme. As would the refuse collectors' strike in Leeds - removing the right for the GMB and Unison to fight for fair wages for their members - even though two-thirds of the workforce turned out and the workers voted to strike 2:1.

This law would fundamentally undermine every single union's ability to represent their members.

And all this comes from a Party where not one single Tory MP was elected by 50% of the voters eligible to vote in their constituency. Not one.

It's one rule for us and one rule for them. The Conservatives need to know they're not going to get an easy ride if they think they can pick up where Thatcher left off. Let's say no - right now. Sign the petition and then warn your friends about the threat from the Conservatives:

Everything we have fought for and won over the last decade is under threat from the Conservatives - today's reports reveals the dark depths that they are willing to sink to attack our rights.

The fight back starts now - let's get at them.

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