Friday, September 11, 2009

Derek Simpson Says New Labour Is As Dead As Python's ex-Parrot

In a wide ranging interview with the Mirror and the Guardian Derek Simpson gave Gordon Brown a blunt warning - change or go.

He said the party's only hope was ditching New Labour ideals and learning to fight again. And Brown must lead the way or let someone else. Simpson declared: "If Gordon is not prepared to do it he must stand aside. This is no time for mincing words. The party is at best eight months away from a general election. If you want to go down the New Labour route it is suicide.

"People are sick to the back teeth of that approach. Our people are being told to 'f*** off' on doorsteps by people who would historically be Labour supporters.

"New Labour is dead. It's like the parrot in Monty Python. Anybody who is going to take over and lead us down that path is taking us to certain defeat. But if you could convince me there is somebody who could take over and go down the Old Labour route without hesitation I'd share the view that if Gordon is not prepared to do it he should stand aside and let that person do it. That could save the Labour government. The answer is to change the policies of the Labour party and, if necessary, change the people of the Labour party."

Derek said he still did not expect a challenger to step forward. Jon Cruddas, who Unite backed for Labour's deputy leadership, did not have the support to win the top job.

The other contenders would rather let Gordon Brown "take a kicking" at the election and then try to win power in the party.

Derek went onto say the recession showed it was time for the party leadership to ditch its obsession with privatising public services and go back to helping working people.

Jobs and homes should be the top priorities. And the government needed to do more to create high-skilled manufacturing work and not just rely on the retail and service sectors. Simpson said: "We've got McDonald's all over the place and people working in supermarkets and stores.

"I'm looking forward to when they shut a supermarket and open a factory. Not enough's done to protect wealth-creating industry."

He said the union had pleaded with the government to help set up a scheme where factories could put staff on fewer hours instead of making them jobless "but it's like pulling teeth".

On homes, he said £13billion was spent cutting VAT from 17.5% to 15%. "If you had put that into house building you'd have employed construction workers which puts money into the economy. You'd have provided affordable homes. And you'd boost the economy again as once people have houses they look for fridges, cookers and beds."

He said Brown had been caught between loyalty to his old ideas and knowing a new way has to be found, so was always slow and timid. "It's been like trying to ride two horses galloping in different directions with one backside."

But Brown can still win the next election if he starts fighting proudly for jobs and public services. "It will take luck and arguing to get this supertanker turned. We'll have to pull like hell on the wheel but it's not too late.

"Yet to ask people to vote Labour on what's been done is like asking the Light Brigade to charge again and make it the best out of three."

Note: This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! He is an ex-parrot!

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